Meet Ruby

The Bloxham family includes mom and dad with five children, Lydia and Molly (both 15), Dylan (12), Sadie (5), and Ruby (2). We first became aware of early intervention while living out of state when our two oldest were delayed due to premature birth of 29 weeks. They greatly benefited from services of physical, play, and speech therapy. After moving to Utah our son, Dylan, started early intervention with Kids Who Count for speech therapy. The services they received through early intervention greatly helped them to catch up with their peers. Today they have no sign of a delay and have thrived in their development and education.

In May of 2015 we welcomed our last child into our home, Ruby. She was a quiet baby with a very tender personality. As she grew she always had a sweet babble and always seemed to be singing a song. Ruby quickly began to love nursery rhymes and songs. She would sing along when sung to and oft times would sing them around the house as she played. I started noticing delays at 6 months when she was not bringing toys to her mouth and not sitting up at 9 months. Even though she was slightly delayed in all her milestones her doctor felt she would catch up. At 18 months I contacted Kids Who Count because Ruby was not walking at 18 months and she was not talking on her own. She would sing the words to songs and fill in blanks with nursery rhymes, yet she had not yet said “mom” and other typical words kids at her age would be using.  Ruby has received physical, occupational and overall developmental therapy, as well as playgroup through Kids Who Count. She loves playgroup and really excels in the singing and group time. In October, she was diagnosed Autism, hypotonia, and developmental eating disorder. We are so glad she has been receiving the services she needs to support her growth and development.

We are very grateful for Kids Who Count and for all those that have come into our home to help Ruby in her development. Not only has Kids Who Count helped Ruby in her development, but the unwavering support and encouragement our family received has helped us grasp the new reality we now face and look to the future with hope.

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