Meet Jersey

When Jersey turned 2, she had very few words in her vocabulary. Her mother, Joelle didn’t realize Jersey should have mastered so many more words because to her she was still her “little baby.”

“When my pediatrician suggested early intervention, I had a hard time accepting it at first,” Joelle said. But after she contacted Kids Who Count and starting sessions she felt much more at ease.

“I felt good knowing that Jersey was in such good hands working with Linda (the Kids Who Count Child Development Specialist),” Joelle said. “Linda taught me so many ways to tweak my teaching with Jersey, and how to use her strengths to help her learn. I’m so grateful we got her in to Kids Who Count!”

Jersey has come a long way. She has been picking up new words almost every day since working with Kids Who Count and her family gets so excited with every little step she makes and every new word she masters.

“We now have the tools we need to help Jersey with her speech, and we approach her much differently now when teaching her,” Joelle said. “I can’t wait to see her grow and learn even more.”

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